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CCEEC announces upcoming programs

The Carbon County Environmental Education Center in Summit Hill is preparing for several activities. To register for any of these events, call the center at 570-645-8597. The center is located at 151 E. White Bear Drive, Summit Hill.

For more information on the center’s upcoming activities, visit www.carboneec.org.

Help Wanted

Each summer CCEEC looks to employ local youth through Carbon County Workforce Training, a work experience program for county youth aged 14-24.

This summer CCEEC hopes to fill four positions at 20 hours per week each. Duties include trail and grounds maintenance, animal care, and some clerical and janitorial work. Applications for the program will be accepted from March 24 through April 30 at the Workforce Training office, 50 E. Locust St. in Nesquehoning. Call 570-325-2915 (ext. 114) or email WIOASYEP@carboncareerlink.org for details.

Spring Hike

Naturalist Jeannie Carl will lead participants on an easy walk in search of early spring flowers and other signs of seasonal change on CCEEC trails at 10 a.m. on March 29. Call to register for this free program.

Membership Drive

CCEEC’s annual membership drive is underway.

You can save the center staff time, paper, and postage by visiting https://www.carboneec.org/membership and renewing online.