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Walnutport Borough Council

Walnutport Borough Council took the following action last week:

• Approved the 2025 street project in the amount of $28,000 for Lehigh Gap Street, Chestnut Street, Pine Circle, an area of North Railroad Street and a spot on Lincoln Avenue.

• Agreed to spend $5,600 to repair the fence at the borough garage.

• Agreed to sell or trade the 2014 police SUV on Municibid.

• Agreed to have Rapid Return begin processing and managing borough payroll. The price was not available at this time.

• Agreed to have borough solicitor Michael Corriere sign the improvements agreement and maintenance agreement for the Casalisa Estate Land Development Plan.

• Approved a resolution establishing recreation fees in lieu of land donation for open space of residential subdivisions larger than five dwelling units for $700 per dwelling unit.

• Agreed to allow Lehigh River Stocking Association access to the north side of Main Street on the towpath April 13 to stock trout in the Lehigh River.

• Approved, on a 5-0 vote with one abstention, the application for use of facility for the Northern Lehigh School District varsity and junior high softball to use the Walnutport Playground Association fields. Councilwoman Jennifer Wentz abstained.

• Approved the application for use of facility for the Walnutport Playground Association to continue to do its youth programs.

• Approved the 2025 fire police list.

— Terry Ahner