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Panther Valley news

Senior Center

The Panther Valley Senior Center announced the menu for March 24-28.

Monday: Stuffed Cabbage, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots, Jell-O or Turkey and Cheese Sandwich

Tuesday: Kielbasa, Potatoes with Peppers, Baked Beans, Orange or Salad with Chicken

Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs, Broccoli, Salad, Cookie or Greek Salad

Thursday: Grilled Chicken, Red Potatoes, Chuckwagon Corn, Peaches or Chicken BLT

Friday: Fish Filet, Macaroni and Cheese, Peas and Onions, Fruit Cup or Egg Salad Sandwich

The senior center also announced the following events.

Now You Have It Now You Don’t on March 24 at 11 a.m.; Bingo on March 25 at 10:45 a.m.; Cornhole and Ladderball on March 26 at 10:30 a.m.; Po-Keeno on March 27 at 11 a.m.; Game Day on March 28 at 11 a.m.

Cards, Pool, Games, available daily from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. New members are welcome.

For more information or to sign up, call the center from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday at 570-669-9930.

Panther Valley Library

• The Panther Valley Public Library will host a preschool story hour every Wednesday from 10-11 a.m. The event is great for ages 3-5 years old. Participants will enjoy stories, crafts and a light snack.

Contact the library at 570-645-3780 to register and if you have any questions.

• The Panther Valley Public Library will once again offer tax prep assistance for seniors.

If you are 60-plus and qualify for the Rent/Property tax rebate, you can schedule an appointment to receive assistance with preparing the Federal Income Tax form 1040 and the Pa. Tax form. Appointments are required and are available on March 28 from 9:15 to 11:45 a.m.

You are asked to put all your tax information (income, interest, etc. plus all three property taxes) in a sealed envelope and drop it off at the library at your appointment time. If you rent, please have your landlord fill out the appropriate paperwork. If you are new to the program, please provide a copy of your driver’s license or some form of ID. Your return will be mailed to you.

Call the library for an appointment. Library hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11:45 a.m., and Thursday evening from 5 to 6:45 p.m. The library is located at 117 E. Bertsch St., Lansford.


Historical Society

The Nesquehoning Historical Society is hosting a bus trip to Lancaster to see “We Will Rock You” at the Dutch Apple Music Theater on May 31.

The bus leaves from the CVS parking lot at 9 a.m. and will return around 6 p.m. A lunch buffet is included in the cost of the bus and show ticket.

For more information, the cost or to sign up, call Lois at 570-249-0364.

Summit Hill

Street sweeping

Beginning Monday, Summit Hill crews will be completing street sweeping. Streets will be posted ahead of the sweeping.

All cars for those streets should then be moved by 8 a.m. and not returned until after street sweeping has been completed on that street. If a car is not moved, police will issue a ticket.

The tentative schedule is:

• March 24: Even side of Ludlow, White and Hazard streets; and both sides of Linden, Ginder and Church streets.

• March 25: Odd side of Ludlow, White and Hazard streets; and both sides of Vernon and Pine streets.

• March 26: Even side of Lehigh, Fell, Amidon, Oak, Walnut and Chestnut streets.

• March 27: Odd side of Lehigh, Fell, Amidon, Oak, Walnut and Chestnut streets.

• March 28: Even side of Holland, Walter, Market, Poplar, Elm and Spruce streets and both sides of Carbon Avenue.

• March 31: Odd side of Holland, Walter, Market, Poplar, Elm and Spruce streets and both sides of School and Iron streets.

• April 1: Alleys on both sides: McMurtrie, Park, Berea, Mill, Richards, Union, Ridge and Summit.

• April 2: East and West Mountaintop Road and Stoney Lonesome Road.

To submit a news item, email tneditor@tnonline.com.