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Franklin accepts admin. resignations, fills jobs

Franklin Township has appointed two new township administrators.

May Fairchild was unanimously approved by the board on Tuesday as the new township secretary/treasurer.

Afterward, the board appointed Francesca Pope as the township’s new assistant secretary/treasurer.

The board accepted the retirement resignation of township secretary/treasurer Brenda Cressley, effective March 31, and the resignation of assistant secretary/treasurer Christine Green, effective March 7.

Then board Chairman Fred Kemmerer Jr. took time to acknowledge both Cressley and Green for their tenure with the township.

Kemmerer said Green has been with the township for 15 years, and presented her with a plaque of appreciation for her years of service.

Green thanked the board for the kind gesture, as well as Cressley for all her years of service, and told her she was going to miss her.

Kemmerer then turned to Cressley, who has been with the township for 33 years, and also presented her with a plaque of appreciation for her years of service as well.

Cressley expressed her gratitude for the accolade.

“It’s been a pleasure,” Cressley said. “Some ups and downs, but it’s been good.”

Kemmerer became choked up as he explained how important both Cressley and Green have been to the township.

He said it’s especially difficult when people such as Cressley and Green “have been the foundation of what we do.”

He added that due to their vast knowledge of the township, their departures are going to hard to deal with.

He added that both Cressley and Green have offered their services to aid in the transition.

Resident and former Supervisor Rod Green thanked Cressley, whom he said was with the township before he began as a township supervisor years ago.

Green then referred to both Cressley and Christine Green as “the heart and soul of this township.”

Cressley’s children were in attendance and thanked their mother for her hard work over the years.

Supervisor Jason Frey told Cressley her knowledge of the township was impressive.

Frey then reiterated what Rod Green said about Cressley and Christine Green being the “heart and soul” of the township.

Earlier, Kemmerer recognized former Supervisor Robin Cressley with a plaque of appreciation for his years of service on the board of supervisors.

Robin Cressley resigned at last month’s meeting after 11 years on the board.

Franklin Township Supervisor Fred Kemmerer Jr. presents a plaque of appreciation to township secretary/treasurer Brenda Cressley. Cressley will retire on March 31, after 33 years with the township. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS
Franklin Township Supervisor Fred Kemmerer Jr. presents a plaque of appreciation to township assistant secretary/treasurer Christine Green, who resigned, effective March 7, after 15 years with the township. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS