Equipment, old signs on auction for fair
The 7th annual Consignment Auction was held Saturday to benefit the Carbon County Lions/Lioness Fair Association.
The sale was held this year at the Mahoning Valley Speedway, Route 443, Lehighton.
The public was invited to provide items to sell. They received some of the money, the Fair Association received a percentage from each sale.
Local Auctioneer Dean Arner conducted the auction, and explained why he donates his service each year.
“The Lions Club deserves the funds here; and, the reason is because they are a really good organization for the community.
“They help a lot with the community. With our services, to help them out, we enjoy doing that for them and the community.”
Despite the drizzly weather, people were out Saturday to view and purchase some new treasures. And there was a lot of items for people to buy.
There we hundreds of tools of all sorts; socket wrenches, hammers, pliers, vehicle tools, plumbing and construction tools, just to name a few.
Anyone in need of a lawnmower or a weed trimmer had more than a dozen of each from which to choose. And chain saws, power washers, tractors, and more.
Furniture items included chests of drawers, some table & chair sets, metal cabinets, end tables, and more.
And two perfect sales items for this auction were two framed posters from the early days of the original Carbon County Fair. One poster advertised:
“Jimmie Lynch Death Dodgers, Carbon County Lehighton Fair’. The second poster advertised a giveaway of a car each night for four nights — a new Studebaker three of the nights, and a Plymouth on one night. Admission to the fair at that time, around 1940, was 25 cents.
Other unique items included a hot dog vendor’s cart, a large number of cast iron frying pans, a collection of antique cookie cutters, hub caps, an Elvis Presley concert poster from 1956, bicycles, toys, and cameras.
“This is our first year holding the sale here at the Mahoning Speedway,” said Melinda Fox, President of the Fair Association. “We have ample parking, a great turnout. We have a lot of items up for sale, including several vehicles.”
Two box trucks and a Ford pickup were also up for auction.
All the proceeds go towards the cost of running the Carbon County Fair, held in August each year. This year, the fair will be held Aug. 4- 9, 2025.
“The Carlinos were kind enough to donate the use of the Mahoning Valley Speedway grounds today,” Fox added.
“The Lehighton Lion/Lioness club donated the use of their food trailer so that we could raise money with food sales. We have haluski, filling, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, breakfast sandwiches, and more.