Carbon plans for America 250
The enthusiasm for Carbon County’s celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the United States of America was on full display at the public meeting held Thursday evening at the Carbon Career & Technical Institute in Jim Thorpe.
The evening began with six students from the Jim Thorpe High School who formed “Ameri-chorus” specifically for this event, and sang the national anthem and America the Beautiful. The students were: Kate Newstead, Ethan Ruch, Ashton Stribula, Casper Stribula, Eleanor Wilds, and Hannah Yoder. Ruch composed the arrangements of the music.
America250 Carbon County representative Kim Werley led the program and discussed several projects that are in the works.
Marlyn Kissner from the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau is the chairperson for the Tourism & Marketing Committee, and discussed the new website and public calendar for upcoming events.
The America250 Carbon County website is part of the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau website. The link is:
An online calendar of events is part of the website, where groups and organizations can post upcoming events that are part of the celebration.
“Our goal is going to be to keep this (calendar) updated to make sure that, not only our residents; but, visitors and guests that are coming to the area will be able to enjoy all the events and festivities as well,” Kissner explained. “We’re definitely here to support the efforts of this, and we’re excited to be a part of it.”
The link to submit events is:
Events posted will appear on the America250 Carbon County calendar as well as the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau calendar.
Another project is the Liberty Bells Across PA project. Each county can get at least one of the 3-foot by 3-foot fiberglass bells that will be decorated with artwork from area artists. The cost of the bell is $10,000. Carbon County’s bell is being sponsored in full by the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau.
Lynn Shupp, a photographer from Palmerton and president of the Palmerton Historical Society, is coordinating the artwork and artists for the bell.
“My vision for this is to have artists from every part of our county to be part of the bell,” Shupp explained. “We have many artists and artist groups in the county.”
In order to get artwork from painters, photographers, and other media, Shupp is working with a local sign manufacturer to convert the art to digital media and use that to put on the bell, so it can withstand whatever weather may happen.
The final artwork must be approved by the America250 PA board. Once Shupp gets the approval, the work can begin.
Shupp also mentioned that she is looking at possibly getting a second bell that would be specifically for Palmerton.
Shay Moran, a board member of the Weatherly Area Historical Society, expressed a desire to work with other historical groups around the county.
“We’re always interested in partnering and having more countywide partnerships,” Moran said. “I’m always interested in going to other historical societies in the county to see what they have to offer. Any chance to collaborate and make America250 a really great thing, and in Carbon County to be a great thing, we’re always interested in extending a helping hand.”
In addition to Weatherly, historical societies from Weissport, Summit Hill, Mauch Chunk, Lehighton, and Palmerton had representatives at the meeting.
Dr. Jake Boyer spoke on behalf of the Jacob’s Weissport Historical Society. Boyer already has plans for July 4, 2026.
“I am planning on having a parade on the 4th of July in 2026,” Boyer said. “I am hoping to have bands, members of the military, antique cars, and so much more. There’s a lot of history in Carbon County.”
Marissa Blasko, a senior graphic design student from Lansford, presented a banner she designed and created for the America250PA Carbon County group to use at public events.
Another attendee at the meeting was Lydia Zink from Weatherly. Lydia entered and won a poster contest from America250 “America’s Field Trip” contest at the national level in 2024. The prize was that she and her family won a trip to Montana and to Yellowstone National Park.
The theme of the poster is, What Does America Mean to You?
“My poster means the freedom be anything when I grow up; because, as a girl, before we had freedom, we couldn’t be anything,” Zink explained.
Attendees also enjoyed a cake, snacks, and refreshments to celebrate the 182nd Birthday of Carbon County.