Give me late-day sunshine
Spring is just around the corner.
Last weekend, we turned our clocks forward one hour. Now I know there are people who would love to see that never happen again, but I’m not one of them. I like daylight saving time.
I love having sunshine later in the day. I love experiencing the warmth of spring and the fun of activities long into the summer evenings.
It reminds me of my childhood, camping and playing outside; of my teenage years, dates and prom; and as an adult with my children, parties and an occasional date with my husband.
It’s not that I dislike winter. After a hot, busy summer, I look forward to the cool down of autumn, the festivities of the holidays, and the coziness of staying in during a snowstorm.
It’s just that by this time of the year, I’m like a butterfly ready to break out of the cocoon. Spread my wings a little bit and catch a balmy breeze.
Spring is freedom, and daylight saving time is the opening of that door.
It’s freedom to not be hemmed in by the restrictions of darkness. Freedom to keep living and not call it a day a 6 p.m. Freedom to go without a coat.
Every year when we spring forward, I feel refreshed, knowing that warm days and blue skies are coming soon. It’s like I’m finally able to shake off the gray skies of winter and emerge into the sunshine. Spring is invigorating to me and fills with me excitement. I feel more alive.
I begin to look forward to planting my vegetable garden and putting flowers in pots, planters and hanging baskets. Of course, it’s a lot of work, but that’s fine with me.
Even the world of nature seems to be more abundant and full.
The songs of the birds return; I actually saw a robin yesterday. The finches hop around on my porch railing — to the delight of my cats. And color sprouts up from the ground and out from the branches of trees. Life wakes up after its long winter slumber.
Sure, I’m a little more tired after losing an hour of sleep on Sunday, but hope is awake in me.
Welcome, spring.