S. Hill discusses amusement tax, website
Summit Hill Borough Council on Tuesday reviewed 2024 accomplishments and developed goals for the current year.
Last year, the borough achieved many of its goals, including becoming a Blueprint Community, a 10-year designation that opens doors to economic revitalization and development, council President David Wargo said.
The borough also updated its zoning code, which is now waiting for approval; updated its Local Services Tax, and explored avenues for funding new Christmas lights, including applying for a grant, he said.
Others are ongoing, including reviewing the schedule for ordinances, Wargo said, and seeking grant opportunities.
Goals for 2025 include adopting an amusement tax, which the borough has already begun work on; and getting a short-term rental ordinance in place.
Council members also want to improve the appearance of the borough, including its parks and entrance signs.
Another priority for 2025 is getting a new borough website designed and up and running this year.
Council approved the redesign last month and work is progress on the website, Wargo said. The Northampton-based firm, na studios, is waiting for spring to take photographs of the borough once everything has greened up, and the trees have leaves, he said.
New truck
Council discussed options for the purchase of a new truck for the streets department, including grants and loans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and state Department of Community and Economic Development.
A truck may be needed sooner than grants would become available, and they also discussed tapping a portion of the state Liquid Fuels funds, possibly combined with a loan.
The truck that the streets work leader, Ronnie Yuricheck, requested would be an aluminum body diesel with nine-foot plow and a spreader, and cost about $129,000, Councilwoman Marlene Basiago said.
Council will continue the discussion to the next meeting.
Mayor Jeffrey Szczecina congratulated Panther Valley High School junior Brenda Banks who won her third straight state championship in girls wrestling.
He suggested reaching out to Superintendent Dave McAndrew and asking her to attend a meeting and the borough formally recognize her for her achievement.