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Coaldale gym users leave complex messy

Coaldale Borough Council says some groups renting the gym at the Coaldale complex are not taking care of the borough-owned facility.

“It’s an ongoing thing that I noticed,” Councilwoman Angela Krapf said at Tuesday’s monthly council meeting. “I don’t want to spite the kids because some the adults aren’t doing what they are supposed to be doing.”

Krapf said exterior and interior doors to the complex were left open when temperatures recently dipped to 22 degrees.

And, she said, she’s spotted feces smeared and left in toilets, and urine on bathroom floors and toilet seats.

“When you’re agreeing to rent that place, and we’re doing it for the kids, you know, it doesn’t take much for you to peek in the bathroom and flush the toilet if you see that it is not flushed, turn the lights off and go,” Krapf said. “It has literally been like that for years. I’ve argued with all the coaches going through and I could never wrap my head around how someone could not take accountability.”

The site is frequently rented for youth basketball practices and games.

“I don’t know a solution. I don’t want to see it taken away from the kids because they do have a hard time finding anywhere to practice,” Krapf said.

Council President Claire Remington said adults should take responsibility.

“We shouldn’t have to pay somebody else to go down there or some other board member shouldn’t have to go,” Remington said.

Those who are in charge of the youths, she said, should check the building to make sure it isn’t in disarray.

“It takes five minutes,” she said.

Councilman Wayne Figner has been volunteering to open and close the building for the practices. He said he’s not going to do it anymore.

He suggested charging a $40 cleaning fee.

“There are no consequences” without a fee, he said. “They are going to keep on doing it because they know they can get away with it,” Figner said.

He added that by leaving the doors open during the frigid weather meant the borough lost money on heat.

Remington said she’s spoke to adults about keeping the complex neat.

“Certain ones do, certain ones don’t,” she said.

Council mulled charging a fee for cleaning as needed or having a borough employee check on the complex.

“It should not have to come out of our budget. We don’t make money down there,” Remington said.

Council plans more discussions.

“The kids are going to be done for the season soon so we can have something to begin in September so we’re good to go,” Remington said.