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Carbon HOF will induct 16 former athletes, coach on May 25

Sixteen former area athletes and a past coach have been selected for induction into the Carbon County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame at a dinner program scheduled to be held on Sunday, May 25, at the Franklin Township Volunteer Fire Company hall.

The ceremony will honor inductees from five Carbon County communities and Coaldale and Tamaqua who were selected for the honor by committees representing each of the towns.

The inductees include:

Coaldale: Dennis Gildea and Sami Vavra.

Jim Thorpe: Cory Cinicola, Justin Young and Chris “Chopper” Figura.

Lansford: Bob Thomas and Charles “Sparky” Williams; special recognition: Brenda Banks.

Lehighton: Roger Neff, Jean Buskirk and Thomas A. Schaeffer.

Nesquehoning: Frank J. Damian, Bobby Agosti and Elizabeth “Lisa” (Evans) Johnson.

Summit Hill: Casey Lawrence and Richard D. Smith Jr.

Tamaqua: Michael W. Hromyak Jr. and Jon Bonner.

Information on the inductees will appear in the Times News in the weeks preceding the event. For more information on the event, contact chapter president Daniel McGinley, 570-778-8554 or djtm@ptd.net.