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Letter to the editor: Victory

The best person won the election. Thank goodness.

Pres. Trump has also chosen the perfect cabinet with intellectual and competent people to assist him with his agenda. I still say hold people accountable. Prosecute evil doers to the fullest extent of the law.

Elon and the gang have to keep digging and finding all the wasteful spending of our money — yes our money, we pay taxes the minute we start working til we retire. For me that was 50 years of work.

Stop giving our money to illegals- I’ve heard that to date Biden sent $451 billion to fund these illegals and $350 billion to Ukraine. Thanks Pres. Trump for stopping all Federal money being sent to illegals. They never worked here and never paid in a dime into the system. Illegals also got more benefits and money than I’m getting.

I could cry for this injustice to all the American citizens. No money for the hurricane or fire victims, but food, food stamps, lodging, phone, health care, cash and even homes, cars and money to start up businesses along with free flight to anywhere they want to go — I pay for myself — I didn’t get any free handouts like they do. This is and was the most atrocious and unacceptable act they ever did.

I sure hope they find out the FBI informants that were involved in the J6 debacle and prosecute them. I want them to follow the money and hold people accountable.

I want wasteful spending to stop. I want peace on Earth and deportation of all illegals that broke into our country. I want foreign students with student visas who burn our flag, fight the cops, cause trouble and riots to be removed from this country.

I want no federal money to sanctuary states until they remove the illegals and also stop the crime being done to us, by helping ICE to capture and deport illegals. No trains in Female sports. No DEI or CRT. I want a normal country like we used to have. Peace and love.

Promises made — promises kept.

Susan Silfies
