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East Penn fire company needs $73k for radio software upgrades

East Penn Fire Company needs $73,913.40 to install the software and program the remaining radios for the fire station, as part of the countywide radio system upgrade, the East Penn Township supervisors were told at the meeting Monday.

According to Gary Williams, director of the Carbon County Communication Center, “There is no timeline on when the radio upgrades need to be completed. They will keep all systems operating until all the municipalities in Carbon County can upgrade.”

Carbon is in the process of switching emergency responder radio frequencies from analog to digital to help enhance communications, especially across county lines.

Also at the meeting, resident Randy Pfeiffer told the supervisors about an advertisement for the “New Northside Heights” at 232 Lauchnor Road by Duane Schleicher.

“He cannot expand the mobile home park,” Pfeiffer said. “They have already been clearing trees. They need to start completely over with zoning being the first step. Things have been done without permits. This is illegal. Schleicher is trying to start a new park.”

Northside Heights is Mobile Home Park at 97 Sam Brook Circle.

Schleicher was at the meeting with his lawyer. He was told by the supervisors that they were not on the agenda, so they could not speak.

The supervisors also:

• Approved a request from Kira Kuehner to close a portion of Picnic Woods Road from 8 a.m. until midnight on May 3 for a wedding. A detour would be available via Municipal Road;

• Appointed Terri Sheckler to a one-year term on the Lehighton Area Memorial Library Committee, and;

• Adopted resolutions dealing with tax collector compensation; municipal records disposal; and qualified retirement plans.