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West End Fire Co. honors volunteers for service

The West End Fire Company banquet honored volunteers at its annual banquet at Trout Lake on Saturday night.

Jeff Weiss, president of the company that serves Chestnuthill Township, said, “It’s important to get the guys in a relaxed environment, rather than in training and on calls. The surrounding companies cover our territory during the banquet.”

Also attending the banquet were state Rep. Jack Rader, state Sen. Rosemary Brown, family members and four chiefs from other companies.

During the banquet, awards were handed out to some of the 60 active firefighters. Awards included leadership awards, lifetime awards and most improved firefighter. Twenty-year members earned a gold badge in addition to their awards.

A surprise award of the evening was a leadership award given to Jeff Weiss, as he was instrumental in getting the new firehouse established.

Treasurer Krissy Harrison said, “Tonight’s an opportunity for members to come together and enjoy a celebration.”

Jason Abusio joined the fire department in 2002. He said, “I got involved with EMS to help out my community following 9/11.”

Dining with Abusio was David Titus, whose father started the fire company. Titus said there were only seven firefighters when it began.

“A big thank you for everything and we want to recognize people,” said Mike Manfre, who is serving in his fourth year as fire chief.

Bobbie Taylor, president of the Ladies Auxiliary, has been a member of the fire company for 70 years. She said that, “We feed the firemen when they’re on calls and help with events such as bingo.”

Manny Alfonso received the Firefighter of the Year award. Most Improved went to Colton Courtright, while Junior Firefighter of the Year to Jason Monaco. Seven other firefighters received awards for their years of service.

Other awards include:

• 5 years of service, Luis (Manny) Alfonso and Allan Ross.

• 10 years of service, Jason Abusio.

• 20 years of service, Timothy Burlew, Lonnie Perry.

• 25 years of service, Jeffrey Knitter.

• 35 years of service, Brian Snyder.

Above: West End Fire Company President Jeff Weiss holds a 20-year service award with gold badge at the fire company’s annual banquet.
David Titus, whose father helped start the fire company, left, with Jason Abusio, firefighter/EMT, and Jason Orefice, firefighter/EMT.
From left are: Paul Warnick, chief of Blue Ridge Hook & Ladder; Mike Manfre, West End Fire Company chief; Blue Ridge Assistant Chief Leon Clapper, who served as longtime chief; and Susan Hunter. LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Right: Joy LaBadie, left, who has 50 years with the Ladies Auxiliary, and Bobbie Taylor, who has 70 years with the auxiliary.