Published March 06. 2025 02:45PM
Bowmanstown hopes to receive a grant to restore its antique bell tower.
Borough engineer Jessica Rehrig announced at Tuesday’s borough council meeting that Benesch, the borough’s engineering firm, prepared the grant application for the Keystone Historic Preservation Construction Grant Program for restoration of the bell tower for a requested funding amount of $19,013.
In July, borough council said it hoped to improve the condition of its borough hall bell tower.
Councilman Rob Moyer said at that time that the bell tower was of concern.
Moyer said the bell tower was not in very good shape, and added a lot of the paint is in poor shape.
It was stated at that time there was rotting wood on the southern facing corners along with the flagpole at the borough hall bell tower.
Council asked borough secretary Tracy Csrenko to reach out to the company that previously refurbished it for a quote.
The Bowmanstown Borough Municipal Building is a converted school building that was constructed in 1903 to serve the youths of the community.
In 1964, the borough acquired the old brick school building and has been using it as offices ever since.
A grant application has been prepared for the Keystone Historic Preservation Construction Grant Program for restoration of the Bowmanstown Borough Municipal Building’s bell tower for a requested funding amount of $19,013. TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO