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Former Carbon candidate sentenced to state prison

District Attorney Gavin P. Holihan announced a former Penn Forest Township auditor pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing child sexual abuse material and received a significant state prison sentence.

Matthew Schutter, 54, of South Whitehall Township, pleaded guilty today to 10 counts each of Sexual Abuse of Children – Possession of Child Pornography, all felonies of the third degree; and 28 counts each of Sexual Abuse of Children – Dissemination of Child Pornography, all felonies of the second degree.

Judge Robert L. Steinberg sentenced Schutter today to serve 10 to 50 years in state prison.

The more serious charge of felony of the second degree is applied when it is alleged that the images include “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of the person for the purposes of arousing or gratifying sexual desire in any person” or when the child depicted in the image is under the age of 10 or pre-pubescent.

The investigation began on June 2, 2023 when Google Inc. identified two child sex assault videos on their servers and filed cyber tips with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The tip included that the videos were uploaded by an email address associated with Schutter and Google provided additional details identifying Schutter as the owner of the account.

After his initial arrest, detectives at the Petzold Digital Forensics Laboratory continued their investigation. Ultimately, they were able to access encrypted files on the tablet device seized from Schutter. Once unencrypted, the tablet device provided evidence that Schutter not only possessed child sexual abuse material images, but that he had shared them repeatedly with others for the purpose of arousing or gratifying their own sexual desire.

This case was investigated by Detectives Scott McCullough and Robert Toronzi with the Lehigh County District Attorney’s Petzold Digital Forensics Laboratory, Lehigh County Chief County Detective Michael Millan and was prosecuted by Chief Deputy District Attorney Sara A. Moyer and District Attorney Gavin P. Holihan.

Schutter was a candidate for Penn Forest supervisor in 2011, Jim Thorpe School Board in 2013, Carbon County Sheriff in 2015; state representative in 2016; and Jim Thorpe School Board in 2017. He was elected to Penn Forest auditor in 2013 and served until he left the area in 2018.

Schutter ran as a Libertarian candidate for South Whitehall commissioner in 2021 and state representative in 2022. He’s been charged with numerous prior offenses, mostly for disorderly conduct and related offenses. He pleaded guilty to assaulting a Carbon County detective in 2016.

In 2020, he was removed from a Lehigh County meeting for causing a disruption

Matthew Schutter