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Chili cook-off benefits Austin’s Blue Line

A chili cook-off fundraiser for Austin’s Blue Line was held Saturday at the Polk Township firehall.

The organization raises funds for suicide awareness and scholarships in memory of Austin Scarpone.

At age 22, Scarpone took his own life and his mother Sharon Gerhart began the suicide prevention organization in his memory.

He hoped to be a state trooper so to honor him part of the funds raised go toward scholarships for those who want to be state troopers, police officers, or first responders.

Gerhart said, “I’m proud and humbled by the turnout at the event. I love when my kids and the community believe in what we’re doing and show up for us.”

Six contestants entered the chili contest with the crowd voting on the best chili.

Thirteen-year-old Tayte Belstra’s favorite was number 5 “because it had no beans.”

In addition to bragging rights the winner is given “corny prizes, such as a wooden spoon, apron or chef’s hat” Gerhart said.

Hector Ramirez, a part of a motorcycle ride/rally as a fundraiser noted, “We help to raise awareness of suicide in young people.”

Generally the rally ended at American Legion Post 927 with a party to follow. This year will be just the party on Saturday, Aug. 6, which is open to all.

Local businesses, including Blue Ridge winery, Weis supermarket, and Ace Hardware donated prizes for the basket raffle. ESSA bank also provided donations and had a large show of support with a group from the bank attending.

Missy Knappenberger, from ESSA, stated, “We’re here to support Sharon, get together and eat chili. It’s a great cause. “

A 50/50 raffle was also held. Bake sale items were available, many made by members of Effort United Methodist Church.

Some of the funds raised are given to Monroe County Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Gerhart noted the lack of resources for suicide prevention in Monroe County and has spoken to state Rep. Jack Rader about the need for more presence of services in the county when people are in crisis.

She stated, “Talk to your kids, listen and be present.”

For further information and to support this cause go to Austinsblueline.org.

Wendy Edwards, Brodheadsville, enjoying chili at the Austin's Blue Line fundraiser at Polk Township Fire Hall. LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Right: Melinda Knitter and Pat Mackes of Effort United Methodist Church selling baked goods.
Above: Neil Roberti and 12-year-old Corbin Roberti, Saylorsburg, sample the chili.