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Weatherly council committee to meet with employees

Weatherly Borough Council on Monday formed a committee to meet with department heads and employees on a regular basis.

The need for a committee was raised last month.

Councilman Michael Bellizia suggested a three-man committee consisting of himself, and councilmen Norman Richie and Vincent Cuddeford II. Council vote unanimously in favor of the move.

The committee will be fluid, allowing for two committee members to change or rotate, but maintain a chair for continuity, Bellizia said. He also noted that the meeting could be recorded, if all agree, and a transcript provided.

Some borough employees attended council’s meeting, and agreed to contact Bellizia to set up a meeting during employees’ working hours and at time agreeable to all committee members.

In other business, council:

• Approved a resolution and master agreement to participate in AMP Ohio safety and training programs.

Borough Manager Harold Pudliner said that the borough employees have been participating in safety and training programs, but AMP Ohio formalized the procedure and put it in writing.

• Approved placing excess items for sale on Municibid, including flashlights, a refrigeration unit, a generator panel and Colt defense rings and slings.

• Approved amending its ordinance to require inspections for the reconnection of electrical service.

Pudliner noted that the borough has been called to reconnect service to buildings that have been vacant for a year or more. Some have wires hanging or broken pipes.

The borough code officer would inspect the property before electricity is reconnected under the change, he said.

Received a letter of thanks from Donna Murmello for the recognition that she received last month following her retirement as nurse in the community for 50 years.