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Letter to the editor: Are we tired of winning yet?

Let’s talk about what we call winning.

Cutting the federal workforce indiscriminately. This includes thousands of people, one third of which are US veterans. Cutting the FAA after a number of air crashes. Cutting the IRS in the middle of tax season. Cutting people of the USDA working on bird flu.

Firing nuclear safety workers. Cutting cancer research and other medical research. Firing inspector generals — the watch dogs to prevent fraud. Piling on tariffs on our allies that increase the cost to consumers.

Taking Putin’s side on Ukraine war and calling Zelenskyy the dictator and causing of the war. Cutting aid to poor. But the worst part is using these savings to give huge tax cuts to billionaires like the two grifters in the White House.

So who is winning? It certainly isn’t the American people. Call your congressman and complain. It is only going to get worse.

Patricia Hawk

Franklin Township