Published February 27. 2025 07:12PM
Polk Township supervisors conducted the following business this week:
• Chief Billy Tippett, Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company, reported 18 calls for January. There were 175 hours of training and 126 hours of fundraising. The fire company responded to 15 emergencies for the month and 33 year-to-date.
• Board President and Roadmaster Brian Ahner noted, “It’s been rinse and repeat with plowing and salting.” Twelve trees were removed from Smith Road and a new radio was installed in the bucket truck.
• Ahner reminded residents that potholes are forming on area roads and they should use caution until the township gets to repairs.
• Tracy Herman, zoning officer, reported 16 certificate of use and cccupancy, and 13 zoning and building permits were issued.
• The parks committee reorganized. Robert Butler will remain chair; Nancy Wright will be vice chair; and Latasha Anthony was voted as secretary. Butler requested that if electricity gets to the park as planned, they would like to get lights in the pavilion.
• The historical society will be holding its first meeting at the township building on Saturday at 11 a.m.
• The Planning Commission recommended Hamlet Lake Estates-Pocono final subdivision be given approval. The board gave conditional approval, waiting on the planning module from DEP.
• The ordinance amendment for supervisors’ compensation will be addressed at the March 24 supervisors meeting.