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Rush Twp. gets grant to widen 309

A project to improve traffic flow and safety at a Rush Township intersection where a convenience store is planned and another to construct a new rail siding to transport anthracite coal for steel manufacturing received grants, Rep. Jamie Barton, R-124, and Sen. David Argall, R-29, announced this week.

Provco Pinegood Tamaqua was awarded $500,000 to widen Claremont Avenue (Route 309) in the village of Hometown to allow separate left turn and right turn lanes onto Tide Road. The improvements will reduce traffic congestion and make both motorists and pedestrians safer.

Provco plans to build a Wawa convenience store with gas pumps near the intersection, which necessitates the upgrades.

During a recent Rush Township supervisors’ meeting, it was noted that Provo is awaiting a highway occupancy permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

In addition, Lehigh Anthracite, which is headquartered in Tamaqua, was awarded $500,000 to construct a rail siding comprised of 1,200 feet of track, supporting the moving of specially processed anthracite coal to steel manufacturers by rail instead of by truck.

The project will create new jobs in the area and reduce traffic congestion and vehicle emissions.

Late last year, PennDOT announced that the coal company received $676,000 in funding from the Rail Transportation Assistance Program and the Rail Freight Assistance Program.

“Transportation is often discussed in the context of big cities, but it’s just as important in our rural communities,” Barton said. “These dollars are going toward two major projects in our area. One will make shipping goods by rail through Tamaqua much easier, while the other will provide another safe choice for food and fuel for folks in Rush Township. This type of work will have a much bigger impact here than it would in Philadelphia or Pittsburgh.”

“These projects will create many new jobs and make our traveling in our area safer,” Argall said. “I’m grateful Rep. Barton and I were able to work with local leaders to secure this highly competitive state funding.”

The funding was awarded through the Multimodal Transportation Fund, which provides grants to encourage economic development and ensure a safe and reliable system of transportation. The grants were approved during a recent public meeting of the Commonwealth Financing Authority, an independent agency with fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

The developer of a proposed Wawa convenience store was awarded $500,000 to widen Claremont Avenue (Route 309) near the intersection of Tide Road in Hometown, Rush Township, shown here. JILL WHALEN/TIMES NEWS