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Schuylkill Co. plans to sell 3 plots of land

The Schuylkill County Commissioners are looking to sell land they got last year from Schuylkill Township.

On their meeting agenda for Wednesday morning, the commissioners are expected to take action to sell three lots measuring 10.53 acres, 4.91 acres and 4.45 acres.

The minimum bid set are $16,800 for the largest lot, $10,400 for the 4.91-acre lot, and $8,500 for the 4,45-acre lot.

In August, after months of negotiations, the Schuylkill Township Supervisors voted to turn over the three parcels of unforestable land back to Schuylkill County.

Supervisor Charles Fayash said the township also tried unsuccessfully to sell the land — that’s why they gave it to the county.

“We gave the property to the county because we couldn’t sell it or do anything with it,” Fayash said, “I can’t believe they (the commissioners) are putting them up for sale for that much.”

The supervisors looked into foresting the land, but were told by a state forester it wasn’t worth it to forest the land.

The county had originally given the land to the township, but Commissioner Chairman Larry Padora said the county placed covenants on the land that no longer exist since the county has retaken ownership.

Padora said the county arrived at the minimum bids based on appraisals the county made of the properties.