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Police: Lansford man kicked dog in back

A Lansford man faces multiple charges after police and others saw him kick a dog on Saturday.

Robert J. Petticlair, 35, was arraigned on charges of cruelty to animals, resisting arrest, obstruction and disorderly conduct by District Judge William J. Kissner, Palmerton, and released on $7,500 unsecured bail.

According to court papers, Lansford police while on patrol saw Petticlair walking a brown dog and kick the dog in the back. A woman in a black SUV also witnessed Petticlair kicking the dog and flagged down the officer, court papers said.

As police approached, the man placed the dog inside a residence on East Ridge Street, and began to walk inside. The officer told him to stop and he failed to comply, court papers said.

Petticlair walked off the porch and to the side of the home, and returned, saying that he was going inside and the officer couldn’t do anything about it, court papers said.

The officer advised him that he would be arrested for obstruction, if he failed to comply, and then attempted to arrest him, court papers said.

The officer attempted to secure Petticlair, but he pulled away and began to resist, and another officer was called to assist, court papers said.

Both officers were able take Petticlair into custody after multiple attempts, and Petticlair attempted to push the officer to the ground while walking to the patrol vehicle, court papers said.

Petticlair told the officer, “I could get you right now if I wanted to,” court papers said.

Petticlair’s girlfriend told police that the dog belonged to her, and that it was a rescue. Photos taken of the dog show that dog was severely thin and a strike could damage the dog’s rib cage.

Petticlair attempted to kick out the window of the car, and began to scream profanities. Petticlair said he only gave the dog a “love tap” with his foot, court papers said.