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Wawa project awaiting approvals

Developers of a Wawa convenience store planned for Rush Township are awaiting approval on several permits, township officials said at a recent supervisors meeting.

“They don’t have the HOP (highway occupancy permit) yet,” township engineer Bill McMullen of ARRO Engineering said. “They made another submission about a month ago so it’s still in PennDOT’s hands.”

“It’s not held up from us,” board Chairman Shawn Gilbert said.

“No, we already OK’d it,” board Vice Chairman Robert Leibensperger said.

Supervisors approved the plans for the Wawa in November 2023.

McMullen said township planners also conditionally approved plans so therefore the matter will not return to the township for any additional review.

While Wawa is still awaiting a highway occupancy permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, McMullen said its sewer planning module has been approved. He said he believes a stormwater permit is still under review by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

Developers plan to build a 55,000-square-foot store with six fueling stations at 347 Claremont Ave. (Route 309) in the village of Hometown. The site is next to My Brother’s Beer Barn and across from the Hometown Commons, which includes a Walmart, Taco Bell, Dollar Tree and other stores.