Warmest Regards: More love stories for this month of love
Last week I wrote about improbable love, focusing on my friend Priscilla.
She had just turned 16 when she and Frank ran away and got married.
While I suppose any love-crazed teenager could run away and get married, what made Priscilla and Frank unique is the longevity and sweet success of that marriage.
They got to celebrate more than 50 years of an unusually close marriage.
She has been one of my closest friends for more than 50 years. I do have to admit they were so extremely close that they wanted to be together all the time, every single day.
I would sometimes talk Priscilla into making plans to spend a shopping trip for just the two of us. But when I would show up to pick her up, Frank would announce that he was coming, too. He was the world’s most patient guy, so having him with us didn’t hinder our trip in any way. But I kept telling Priscilla she needed more than just her husband and best friend in her life.
Well, she didn’t. She was absolutely happy just the way it was.
In all the years I have known her I can honestly say that she and her husband never had a disagreement. Frank used to call her “my bride” and he always treated her like a new bride.
Last week I told you how Priscilla told her mother she was going to marry Frank before she had even talked with him. When she saw him working as a lifeguard at their community pool she made that marriage prediction to her mother.
I can relate to that because of my own experience. I met Andy on top of a burning building when I was covering a major fire for our newspaper and Andy was filming it for TV.
I invited Andy and several of my girlfriends to my house that night to watch Andy’s video on WDAU-TV.
When everyone went home I asked my mother what she thought of Andy. She said, “He’s all right. Why do you ask?”
I told her right then and there Andy was the guy I was going to marry. I knew that before we even had our first date.
As Priscilla said, “Sometimes you just know.”
When you live in a small town you get to hear things about others. I knew Andy was bright, top of his class, and I knew he had a strong faith, both qualities I valued. So I wasn’t entirely clueless about him when I told Mom he was the guy I was going to marry.
Seven months later, that’s exactly what happened. We had an all-day Italian wedding.
But unlike Priscilla and Frank, we weren’t teenagers. I was 22 and Andy was 25.
In this, the month of love, I’ve been having fun talking to others about romantic love.
My friend Kay has a unique story to tell.
Like many teenagers, she started dating her favorite beau, Walt, in high school. “We went everywhere together and were the perfect couple,” she said. She was sure they would always be together.
But when he went away for the summer he started dating someone else. They married and Kay never saw him again.
Kay admits she was brokenhearted. She’s quite stunning and she had plenty of other offers. But she kept saying she never wanted to get married. She stuck to that vow.
OK, here’s the unusual part. Kay never heard from Walt again until there were both 75 years old.
Then, out of the blue, he called her and asked her to be his date for the big 75th birthday bash their high school class was having.
Now, bear in mind they hadn’t seen each other since high school and had no idea how much the other had changed. But when he arrived at her house, neither one was disappointed.
He took her to out for dinner and it was like they had never parted.
He stayed in town for a few days then asked her to move to Nashville to live with him.
Kay said she had no hesitation about moving.
“The only thing wrong with it was that it took 57 years to happen,” Kay said.
But the good news is Kay and Walt did, indeed, have a happily-ever-after story. They were like two lovebirds until Walt passed away 10 years later.
Kay said she never regretted their time together. She just wishes it would not have taken so many years to happen.
How’s that for a different kind of love story.
I like to hear love stories. When the Emmaus ladies group of our church had a Valentine’s Day of Reflection we took turns sharing our favorite love story.
Love at any age is still magical.
Do you have your own interesting love story? If you’re willing to share it, I would love to hear your story.
Email Pattie Mihalik at newsgirl@comcast.net