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The winter that just won’t end

Multiple reports of record-low temperatures.

Significant and routine snowfalls.

Bone-jarring wind chills.

To say this winter has been brutal in the Northeast would be a gross understatement.

Never a proponent of the winter season to begin with, I, like most of you, am so over it.

There are way too many hindrances that come with this season in my personal view.

Travel becomes dangerous at the drop of a snowflake.

Heating bills go through the roof.

Home appliances take a beating.

Not to mention being outside for even a few minutes is about as enjoyable as well, constantly shoveling snow and scraping ice off our windshields.

Personally, I’d rather watch paint dry.

Or stare at a wall.

Maybe even stand and wait for water to boil.

You get the point.

All I know is that the past few months seem to have gone by at a snail’s pace.

To make matters worse, the flu season is at its highest level in over a decade.

So, how exactly can we do our part to not increase the spread of the flu?

According to the National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, we can step up to prevent the flu by doing the following:

• Get our flu shot.

• Know how the flu is spread.

• Know the symptoms of the flu.

• Clean your hands and surfaces around you.

• Cover your coughs and sneezes.

• Stay home when sick.

While those tips may seem easier said then done, taking these preventive measures can go a long way in stopping the spread of the flu virus to others.

Listen: We all have cabin fever, so what’s another several weeks of practicing these safety habits when afflicted by the flu?

The good news is that the winter that seemingly appears to never want to end is down to its last few weeks of anarchy.

In another 26 days, spring will arrive, and with it warmer temperatures and the thaw of snow and ice will follow.

Not to mention longer days and lighter evenings after the March equinox and daylight saving time.

Perhaps most importantly, we’ll be able to cast aside the unfavorable conditions we’ve all grown tired of.

Unless, of course, you are a skier and set out with the family to enjoy a day on the slopes.

For someone who enjoys the warm weather, sunshine and outdoor activities, the summer is the yin to my yang.

As for the cooler temperatures, snow and cozy clothing, they can all go away and never return.

Besides, we can all dream for a moment, can’t we?