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Carbon County birthday celebration planned

An evening of celebration and planning will be held on March 13 at Carbon Career and Technical Institute, and organizers are inviting the public.

The event, to be held at 6:30 p.m., will include recognizing Carbon County’s 182nd birthday, as well as continued planning for the upcoming 250th anniversary of the country. Area historic organizations may be setting up informational tables.

Carbon County was established on March 13, 1843, from sections of Northampton and Monroe counties. The name, Carbon, refers to the coal that was mined from around the area.

Following the celebration, the America250 Pennsylvania Carbon County will hold a public meeting to discuss plans for the 250th anniversary celebration that takes place in 2026. Many area groups and organizations have expressed an interest in holding events to commemorate the anniversary.

The steering committee of American250PA Carbon County held its first meeting Wednesday evening at the Summit Hill Heritage Museum. Nine members attended and shared ideas, as well as discussed a big project for the county that is already moving ahead.

“The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau has agreed to sponsor the $10,000 cost of the Liberty Bell,” Marlyn Kissner, a representative from the bureau, said.

The Liberty Bells Across PA project is bringing artists together to decorate the bells, at least one for each county throughout Pennsylvania. Artist and photographer Lynn Shupp of Palmerton will be working on obtaining the artwork that will go onto the bell.

“We are hoping the bell can be mounted in a way that we can take it to different functions around Carbon County,” said Kim Werley, Carbon County’s American250PA representative.

The Graphic Design Department of CCTI is also helping out, designing banners for the group’s use.

“We encourage everyone — nonprofits, churches and schools — to attend this meeting,” Werley added. “If you have plans or ideas for how to celebrate, come and share them with us.”

For more information on participating, Werley can be contacted by email at mwerley@ptd.net.

Kim Werley, Carbon County representative for American250 PA Carbon County, on right, leads the first meeting of the Steering Committee. With her are, from left, Michelle Bartek, of Lansford; Marlyn Kissner, of Pocono Mountain Visitors Bureau; David Severino, of Towamensing Township; Sarah Ruch, of Summit Hill; and Werley. JAMES LOGUE JR./SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Kim Werley, Carbon County Representative for American250 PA Carbon County, leads the first meeting of the Steering Committee.