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Northern Lehigh School Board - Personnel

Northern Lehigh School Board approved the following personnel matters last week:


• Andrea Maldonado, special education paraprofessional, Northern Lehigh High School, effective at the end of the work day on Jan. 31.

Rescind appointment

• Pierre Grollinsky, second shift custodian, approved on the Jan. 13 agenda.

Administrative transfers

• Alex Lee, from custodian second shift, to day shift maintenance, $21.78 an hour, effective Feb. 3.

• Susan Yesik, second shift custodian, Slatington Elementary, to second shift custodian, Northern Lehigh Middle School, no change in salary, effective Jan. 31.

• Raysa Gonzalez, special education paraprofessional, Slatington Elementary, to ELDP, districtwide, no change in salary, effective Feb. 10.

After-school position

• Raysa Gonzalez, ELDP paraprofessional, hourly rate, funding through Title III for Adult Evening ESL classes.

Amend motion for salary

• Jessica Schwenger, approved on the Jan. 13 board agenda, to reflect the salary amount of $16.39 an hour.


• Kristen Kardaseski, substitute secretary and/or substitute paraprofessional, 2024-2025 school year, at the 2024-2025 substitute rate as approved on the Supplemental Personnel Salary Schedule.

• Kristen Kardaseski, substitute cafeteria worker for the 2024-2025 school year at the 2024-2025 substitute rate as approved on the Supplemental Personnel Salary Schedule.

• Sarah Wagstaff, guest teacher for the 2024-2025 school year at the 2024-2025 substitute rate as approved on the Supplemental Personnel Salary Schedule.

Salary adjustment

• Madeline Henderson, who has completed the requirements per the Collective Bargaining Agreement that entitles her to a mid-year salary increase for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year, from Step 3M to Step 3M+24.


• Superintendent Dr. Matthew J. Link to appoint qualified personnel to vacant positions during the period of time from Feb. 11 through the next regularly scheduled board meeting.

— Terry Ahner