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State police at Bethlehem

State police at the Bethlehem barracks reported:

• Jesse Walker, 18, of Germansville, is facing drug possession charges following an incident at 2:42 a.m. Dec. 3 of last year.

Police said it began with a disabled vehicle report involving a 2007 Infiniti on Route 22 in South Whitehall Township and that the investigation developed into a potential stolen property case. They said Walker was found to be in possession of 10 THC/cannabis-infused vape pens.

• Three people were cited for harassment by physical contact after police responded to an incident at 10:47 p.m. Jan. 11 in Seanor Court, Washington Township.

Police said the following were cited: Rose Gallagher, 27, of Slatington; Natalie Schwartz, 20, of Conshohocken; and Deborah Hornung, 73, of Slatington.

Gallagher and Schwartz were victims in the physical confrontation involving two people who had to be separated by police.

• A 60-year-old man from Laurys Station was targeted in a theft by disposition of funds incident police were called to at 9:16 a.m. Feb. 5 to a residence on Aspen Street, North Whitehall Township.

Police said someone made multiple unauthorized transactions with the man’s Chime credit card, charging $130 on it, and had the purchased items shipped to her residence.