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CCTI duo places in auto competition

Carbon Career & Technical Institute students recently had the opportunity to participate in the 26th annual Greater Lehigh Valley Auto Dealers Association — Autotech competition, which was conducted at Northampton Community College.

Nicolas Bochicchio and Bruce McFarland, seniors at CCTI, placed second in the competition. They received a school trophy and a tool bag with tools, compliments of Milwaukee Tools.

Both students have been enrolled in the auto service and technology program for four years, working with instructor Hal Resh.

The duo competed against teams from the following schools: Lehigh Career & Technical Institute, Monroe Career & Technical Institute, Bethlehem Area Vo-tech School, Berks Career & Technical Center West, Huntington County Polytechnic Institute, Warren County Technical School and Technical College High School.

As part of their competition, the teams were instructed to troubleshoot issues at multiple work stations, including electrical wiring repair, brake measurement, wave form interpretation, basic electrical and engine performance/no start and information retrieval.

The students prepared for the competition for the past six weeks on a 2025 Jeep Compass, which was chosen for the event.

The Greater Lehigh Valley Auto Dealers Association started the competition in 1998.

A maximum of eight schools compete each year.

Each team is given a vehicle with the same defect/bug installed, and the first team to successfully repair their vehicle and have it start in the least amount of time wins.

Carbon Career & Technical Institute seniors Bruce McFarland and Nicolas Bochicchio placed second in the recent Greater Lehigh Valley Auto Dealers Association — Autotech competition. At right is Hal Resh, instructor in the auto service and technology program at CCTI. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO