Letter to the editor: Know your enemy and how they operate
This past election highlighted the real enemy of America. Republicans and Democrats blame each other. The real enemy is not the rank and file Republicans or Democrats, but the leadership of those parties.
There exists a small group of elites in each party who are globalists. Globalists believe the welfare of the world supersedes the welfare of sovereign nations. Supporters of “Make America Great Again” are not globalists. Party leaders like the Clintons, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr., Obama, Biden, Harris, Romney, Pelosi, and others are globalists. Their policies placed a boot on the throat of the middle class.
They supported illegal immigration, destruction of the financial system, undermining of law, countries without borders, climate change, fake pandemics, etc.
They use multiple tools to shove globalist policies down the throat of the world and middle class Americans. One tool is the United Nations. Unelected members push the globalist agenda which resulted in famines, disease, wars, homelessness, poverty, and borderless countries. A complete failure.
Another tool is Central Banks under Rothschild, specifically in the United States it is the Federal Reserve. Their job is to control the financial system. Another group of unelected people who provide unlimited funds for failed policy. Did you ever wonder why there is
always unlimited money for war. The U.S. is 37 trillion dollars in debt and inflation is out of control. A completely failed organization
The USAID is the distribution center for many anti American policies. The USAID provides funds received from globalist politicians (which come from the Federal Reserve) to undermine democracy. Billions wasted on nonsense policies with likely billions kicked back to globalists.
Unelected appointees with a globalist mindset controlling another failed organization. Education is being destroyed by liberal minded educators. They preach acceptance and tolerance except when it contradicts their policy of globalism. It is especially noticeable at the college level but it begins in elementary school. Young people are the governing body of tomorrow’s ideas. They are our country’s most valuable asset, we must protect them.
Know our enemy and we have taken the first step to restoring America and democracy.
Terry Watto