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State police at Hazleton

State police at the Hazleton barracks reported the following incidents:

• Capriotti’s Catering, 1 Banks Ave., Banks Township, was cited for disorderly conduct after police were called there for a false alarm at 6:10 p.m. Feb. 1.

Police said it was the fifth time a false alarm activation occurred at the location.

• A 59-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman, both from Tresckow, were cited for harassment by physical contact after police responded to an active domestic dispute at 11:33 a.m. Feb. 3 on East Maple Street in Tresckow, Banks Township.

Police said the two assaulted each other and that there was a third victim: a 20-year-old man, also from Tresckow.

• A 53-year-old Weatherly woman was cited for a dog law violation after police responded to an incident at 10:39 a.m. Feb. 8 on South Lehigh Gorge Drive in Lehigh Township.

Police said it was determined that her dog, Ned, routinely runs into traffic and onto other people’s properties.

• A 63-year-old White Haven man was charged with retail theft (shoplifting) after police were called to the Walmart store on Airport Road, Hazle Township, at 3:51 a.m. Feb. 7.

Police said he was caught stealing clothes, oil and decorations valued at $41.35.

• A 47-year-old Tresckow woman was targeted in a theft incident police were called to at 3 p.m. Feb. 5 on East Maple Street in Tresckow, Banks Township.

Police said she reported her EBT card was compromised and that $235 in currency from the food stamp card was stolen.