Published February 12. 2025 02:45PM
The Washington Township Board of Supervisors accepted the resignation of Alberta Scarfaro, zoning officer and planning director.
At the meeting the supervisors also voted to advertise for a new zoning officer and planning director. Indeed, LinkedIn, the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission and the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors were among ideas discussed for advertising.
The supervisors also approved a temporary zoning officer, Daren Martocci from Keystone Consulting Engineers, at the Jan. 16 meeting.
At the Feb. 4 meeting, the supervisors:
• Approved putting the following donations in the budget for this year: $1,000 to the Slatedale Athletic Association; $1,000 to Eagle’s Nest Playground; $5,000 to the Slatington Library; and $30,000 to the Emerald Fire Company.
• Scheduled township cleanup day for 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 7.
• Approved advertising for bids for the 2025 road project for Creek, Spring Valley and Hickory roads.
— Patricia Ingles