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Lansford Alive welcomes new salon

Lansford Alive welcomed Blended Hair Co., a new business on East Ridge Street, during a grand opening celebration and ribbon cutting in mid-January.

Owner Kaitlyn Bender opened the salon at 612 E. Ridge St., which was the previous site of the Karen Penberth Beauty Salon.

Lansford Alive President Chris Ondrus and members Joe Krushinsky, Joe Genits and Donna Valent, treasurer, welcomed Bender, who will provide a wide variety of hair services for men and women in the remodeled facility.

Those interested in learning more about the business, which recently welcomed additional stylists, or to make an appointment, can call 570-449-4216.

Also, the business can also be found on social media as BlendedHairCo. or @blendedhairco.

— Kelly Monitz Socha

Blended Hair Co. owner Kaitlyn Bender, standing, recently opened a new hair salon and hosted a grand opening celebration in January. The salon is at 612 E. Ridge St. in Lansford, the former Karen Penberth Beauty Salon. Members of Lansford Alive recently welcomed the business. Seated in the salon chair is customer Karen Bender. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO