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Lehighton lounge cited, shuttered

A Lehighton business has been shut down after being deemed condemned following multiple code violations for fire hazard and sanitation conditions.

Borough police Chief Troy Abelovsky said that on Jan. 27, Barry Isett & Associates, the contracted zoning company for the borough, was granted a search warrant for the Pleasure Lounge, at 201 N. First St.

Prior requests had been made by the zoning departments to the property owners of the Pleasure Lounge, to follow up on health and safety concerns surrounding the business, said Abelovsky, who noted the property owners “failed to respond to the zoning department requests.”

The Lehighton Borough Police Department provided area security while Barry Isett & Associates conducted their investigation. The zoning officials are specialized in commercial property code enforcement as a fire inspector.

“Upon conclusion of the inspection, multiple code violations were cited for fire hazards and sanitation conditions,” said Abelovsky, who added the inspectors on location deemed this building to be “condemned” and all entrances and exits were posted accordingly.

“The zoning department will be completing a full report and notifying property owners of the violations found,” Abelovsky said. “All violations which carry a monetary fine are issued at the discretion of the zoning officer.”

Abelovsky said the Lehighton Borough Police and zoning departments will continue to follow up as needed.

“On Jan. 31, the property owners of the Pleasure Lounge failed to secure the business as directed,” he said. “Lehighton zoning officials had the building secured restricting all access.”

In December, a search warrant was executed at a Lehighton business for operating without having a valid liquor license.

The Lehighton Borough Police Department posted on its Facebook page at that time that officers of the Lehighton Borough Police Department assisted the Pennsylvania State Police — Liquor Control Enforcement Division, with the execution of a search warrant at the business,

During that operation, a preliminary estimate of $8,000 worth of alcohol was confiscated and numerous administrative fines were to set to be imposed on PA Liquor Control Enforcement Unit.

Abelovksy said a similar search warrant was executed back in April by the Lehighton Borough Police Department and the Pennsylvania State Police — Liquor Control Enforcement Division.

That evening, over $25,000 worth of alcohol was confiscated, and fines were imposed by the PLCE, Abelovsky said.

He noted that in 2023, the Lehighton Borough Police Department received 61 service-related calls, and over 40 service calls in 2024, at the Pleasure Lounge.

Abelovsky said calls ranged from loud music complaints to active violent disturbances with weapons.

He said at that time safety for residents and visitors to the borough was paramount, and that the Lehighton Borough Police Department would continue to work with the PA Liquor Control Board to designate the business as a “Nuissance Bar,” and that if the business was classified as a “Nuisance Bar,” it would prohibit the owners from renewing their currently expired liquor license.

The Pleasure Lounge, at 201 N. First St. in Lehighton, has been deemed condemned following multiple code violations for fire hazard and sanitation conditions. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS