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WWII vet to be honored on birthday

Chestnuthill Township officials and residents will celebrate the 100th birthday of resident Raymond Francis Benensky at a parade planned for Feb. 16.

The township’s board of supervisors, at a recent meeting, passed a resolution honoring Benensky, an Army veteran of World Wat II who received two Purple Heart and two Bronze Star medals in his service to our country.

To celebrate his contribution to the community, the supervisors said the parade will be held, with the American Legion Riders leading it and fire trucks participating. It will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the old Fire Company, 128 Route 115, and go by Benensky’s house, ending at American Legion Post 927 at 1:30 where a party will take place.

Residents are encouraged to stand along the parade route with American flags, military flags, and happy birthday signs.