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Romance-themed auction to benefit local cat shelter

Do you want to buy something nice for your Valentine while supporting a Carbon County shelter that helps hundreds of cats annually?

The Carbon County Friends of Animals in Jim Thorpe is hosting an online Valentine’s auction for the next few weeks in the hopes of spreading love to both humans and felines alike.

There are eight items to bid on, including a cheese and wine basket, teddy bear gift basket, picnic for two, heart-themed shelf basket, massage certificates, roses and couples gifts.

All money raised goes directly to shelter operations and cat care.

“Our shelter is a true lighthouse of hope for cats who would otherwise have no place to go,” wrote Lorenzo Centrella to board members about the auction. “Without this community’s support, these animals would face uncertain and often heartbreaking futures. This auction not only helps us remain viable but also ensures that we can continue to be a refuge for cats in need.

“We urge everyone to participate, donate, or spread the word — because together, we can give these cats the second chance they deserve.”

The auction items can be viewed and bid on through the CCFOA website at https://ccfoa.info/events and click on the auction picture. The auction is open from now until 8 p.m. on Feb. 9.

Winners can then pick up their items between Feb. 10 and 14 at the shelter, located at 77 W. 13th St., Jim Thorpe.

CCFOA is a nonprofit organization that shelters upward of 150 cats at a time until forever homes are found.