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Chestnuthill makes final payments on bridge project

The Chestnuthill Board of Supervisors last week approved the final three payments towards the Silver Valley Bridge Project that has been finalized.

The supervisors OK’d payment of $256,950.73 to the E.F. Possinger firm, including separate payments of $173,263.32, $54,973.26 and $28,714.15.

In a different matter, the board authorized the purchase of a new Peterbilt tandem truck at a cost of $254,726. It will replace a 1997 single-axle GMC truck currently in use by the township.

The new truck will have a Peterbilt chassis that will cost $169,658, and an E.M. Kutz body which will cost $85,068.

Elsewhere, the board appointed Carl Gould to the re-established Monroe County Association of Township Officials, which will work on resolutions for the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.

In other business, the supervisors:

• Authorized the advertisement of the Firehouse Lane cul-de-sac bulb vacation. Christosa Holdings owns the adjoining two lots.

• Approved a request for the repository lot release for Szymon Czuprynski at 1619 Bluegrass Lane, Sun Valley, noting sewage testing has been completed and the land has been deemed suitable for septic. Sun Valley gave the OK that it is suitable as a standalone request.

• Announced a township local business advisory committee will be formed to “increase the success of the local businesses and increase the communication with the township and businesses,” Gould said. Interviews will be held for the nine-member committee.

• Tabled the land development plans of the Pleasant Valley Assembly of God;

• Heard from Deborah Modica that she has started CHBASS (Chestnuthill Township Business Association) with the “goal to spotlight businesses and support one another.”

Twenty-eight businesses have signed up so far.