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Tamaqua district plans school makeup days

The snow and cold temperatures now will have Tamaqua area students making up days later, the district superintendent said Tuesday.

Superintendent Ray Kinder said the district has two days to make up when the schools closed due to weather.

One of the makeup days will be the Presidents Day holiday, which is Feb. 17, and another day will come off the Easter holiday in April, he said.

The district was on a two-hour delay Wednesday as well, and Kinder was hoping they would be able to get the day in without canceling. However, the district did move to close, which will prompt another makeup day.

The school board also approved the school calendar for 2025-26, which is similar to this year’s calendar with the first day of school on Aug. 21.

Also, in his report to the school board, Kinder said that they’re beginning the second semester of the year and are at the about the halfway point of the school year.

Other business

The board approved the following during regular meeting:

• The 2025-26 Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29 calendar.

• A new course, Advanced Spanish V.

• The tax report and exemptions, which showed a positive variance of $1.01 million in tax collection in December, compared to the previous year. There were 168 exemptions for per capita tax and 224 exemptions for assessed occupations.

• The first reading of policies on purchases subject to bids/quotation and purchases budgeted. These are updated every year, and the new quote limit is $12,900. The bid threshold is $23,500.

• Agreements with the Schuylkill IU for IDEA B for funds that support the district’s special education students and Section 619 early intervention funds.

• An advertisement for bids for a pole building to accommodate the district’s vehicles and equipment and a concession stand at the stadium.

• A 25% increase per tax bill for tax collectors for 2026, or $2 per paid bill (in full).

• Michael Adams of Tamaqua as a long-term substitute social studies teacher at a rate to be determined.

• These substitute teachers: Sophia Boyle, of Brockton; Ashley Cragle, of Nescopeck; Matthew Neifert, of Tamaqua; and Jada Schellhammer, of New Ringgold.

• Mentors: Sherri Gerber to Elizabeth Hannon; Jolene Barron to Christina Barron; and Julia Shoff to Kaelyn Boran-Smith, all certified teachers.

• Family medical leave for Erin Groody from about Jan. 29 to May 12.

• Reclassification of Sabrina Moyer of Tamaqua from part-time to full-time paraprofessional.

• Amanda Swartz of Tamaqua as a part-time paraprofessional at a rate of $12 an hour, and Zachary Dannenfelser, of Brockton, as a substitute paraprofessional at a rate of $10.75.

The board also rescinded a motion of Nov. 19, approving Kathy Caputo, of Tamaqua, as a full-time paraprofessional.