Published January 22. 2025 02:45PM
Mrs. Jane Vrabel was installed as president of the Rosary Lodge No. 51, Summit Hill, during a regular meeting of the lodge held last night in the St. Gabriel’s Club in that community.
Her associate officers are Mrs. Marie Badowsky, vice president; Mrs. Anna DeAngelo, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Viola Kozuch, treasurer; Mrs. Jean Bargilione, financial secretary; Mrs. Anna Cinicola, orator; Mrs. Mary Ann Cinicola and Mrs. Carmella Reese, mistresses of ceremonies; Mrs. Frances Castagnola, sentinel; Mrs. Barbara Tosoni, publicity; and Mrs. Teresa Dubosky, Frances Pavone, Mrs. Gladys Leonzi, Mrs. Anna Velitsky, Mrs. Helen Cinicola and Mrs. Christine Philipovich, trustees.
The outgoing president of Mrs. Sally Gallagher.