PennDOT puts road restrictions in effect
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission are advising motorists to avoid unnecessary travel during the storm and to exercise caution when driving.
Additionally, PennDOT and the PA Turnpike will implement various speed and vehicle restrictions throughout the storm.
At points throughout the storm, snowfall rates could reach ¾” to one inch per hour. While PennDOT and PA Turnpike crews will be working to keep roads as clear as possible, roads will not be completely free of ice and snow while snow is falling. Please reduce speeds and exercise caution if you must travel during the storm. Temperatures are expected to drop quickly Sunday evening, creating a rapid freeze risk.
Restrictions are planned for certain vehicles during the storm, and will be communicated via variable message boards, the 511PA traveler information website and smartphone apps. Motorists can also sign up for personalized alerts on the website. Restrictions will be lifted as quickly as possible when conditions are safe. Restrictions can be changed based on conditions on the roadways, and reports from first responders, law enforcement and PennDOT and PA Turnpike personnel.
The following vehicle restrictions are in effect:
The following vehicle restrictions are in effect, in accordance with Tier 3 of the commonwealth’s weather event vehicle restriction plan.
I-78, entire length.
I-81 from I-78 to PA Turnpike 476.
I-80 from I-180 to the New Jersey border.
I-84, entire length.
I-380, entire length.
PA Turnpike I-476 Northeast Extension from Lehigh Valley (Exit 56) to Clarks Summit (Exit 131)
U.S. 22 from I-78 to the New Jersey border.
Route 33, entire length.
No commercial vehicles are permitted EXCEPT loaded single trailers with chains or approved Alternate Traction Devices. Additionally, all school buses, commercial buses, motor coaches, motorcycles, RVs/motorhomes and passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs, pickup trucks, etc.) towing trailers are not permitted on affected roadways while restrictions are in place.
On roadways where vehicles are not restricted, commercial vehicle drivers in particular are encouraged to exercise caution in high winds. Drivers should ensure their loads are secure, reduce speeds, increase following distance, and use flashers if necessary.
Advice for drivers
While avoiding or delaying unnecessary travel during winter storms is the safest choice, PennDOT offers this advice if motorists must travel and encounter snow squalls or blowing or drifting snow:
• Slow down gradually and drive at a speed that suits conditions.
• Turn on your headlights. If caught in a snow squall, turn on your hazard lights.
• Stay in your lane and increase your following distance.
• Stay alert, keep looking as far ahead as possible and be patient.
• Do not drive distracted; your full attention is required.
• Use your defroster and wipers
• Keep windows and mirrors free of snow and ice.
• During whiteouts, come to a complete stop only when you can safely pull off the roadway.
• Do not stop in the flow of traffic since this could cause a chain-reaction collision.
• Do not pass a vehicle moving slowly or speed up to get away from a vehicle that is following too closely.
• Always buckle up and never drive impaired.
• Have an emergency kit handy. Here are some suggestions of what you could include in your emergency kit.
• Stay at least six car lengths behind an operating plow truck and remember that the main plow is wider than the truck.
• Be alert since plow trucks generally travel much more slowly than other traffic.
• When a plow truck is traveling toward you, move as far away from the center of the road as is safely possible, and remember that snow can obscure the actual snow plow width.
• Keep your lights on to help the operator better see your vehicle. Also remember that under Pennsylvania state law, vehicle lights must be on every time a vehicle’s wipers are on due to inclement weather.
Crash information
The Pennsylvania State Police offers this advice if you are involved in a crash:
First and foremost, move your vehicle as far as possible from the travel lanes if it’s able to be driven. Remaining in the lanes of travel when your vehicle can be driven is extremely dangerous.
If your vehicle or another involved vehicle is not able to be driven due to damage, or if one of the involved parties is injured, PA law requires the crash be reported to police. Do this by dialing 911 right away.
If your vehicle is disabled in the lane of travel or stuck in the travel lanes due to snow or ice, remain inside the vehicle with your seatbelt on and hazard lights activated. If it’s not safe to remain inside your vehicle, assess the situation and get yourself and passengers to a place of safety such as behind a barrier or guardrail. When exiting your vehicle, move as quickly as possible and DO NOT remain in the travel lanes or near your vehicle.
When encountering a crash scene, the law requires you to move over if possible and always slow down. First responders will be active at the scene and focused on helping those involved in the crash and getting the road back open.
The law requires drivers to remove accumulated ice or snow from their vehicle, including the hood, trunk, and roof within 24 hours after the storm has ended. This applies to all vehicles, including commercial vehicles. Drivers in violation of the law are subject to a fine of $50. Additionally, drivers can be cited up to $1,500 if snow or ice is dislodged and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing death or serious injury.
Motorists should prepare for potential wintry weather by ensuring they have supplies in their cars before heading out: food, water, blankets, extra gloves and hats, cell phone charger, hand or foot warmers, windshield brush and scraper, and any specialized items like medications or baby and pet supplies.
Motorists can check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles, including color-coded winter conditions on 2,900 miles, by visiting 511PA, which is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information, and access to more than 1,000 traffic cameras.