Letter to the editor: Voting bias
Dear Editor,
Nothing says how stupid liberal actions are as the lawsuit against Hazleton on voting rights saying their election system is biased.
This is how it works: anyone can run for city government with their ‘at-large’, as it’s called, voting system which means anyone living in the city can run for city government — duh!
But some Hispanics or their Justice Department (under Joe Biden) associates say people in Hazleton going to the polls to vote aren’t — what!
The piece from Thursday’s Jan. 9 paper states: ‘Hazleton’s 30,000 residents are about (75%) Hispanic. The voting age population of 17,000 is about 53% — white (and) about 43% Hispanic’.
So, 75% of Hazleton are Hispanic and only 43% are of voting age which means 32% just don’t vote. Maybe they’re children and with the overcrowded Hazleton Area School District they probably are or maybe some are just illegal aliens which can’t vote anyway, at least they’re not supposed to.
This article’s logic tells me that if 75% of Hazleton were Polish then there should be Polish on city council or else we’re going to file a lawsuit. What about the Russians, or Jewish, or Klingons for that matter. Where’s the Eskimos when you need them.
Not in the Times News article but a similar one in another paper stated: “The lawsuit said Hispanic voters have regularly voted for Hispanic candidates.” The mayor of Hazleton Jeff Cusat said, “How do they know that?” Maybe Hispanics voted for Cusat who said, “There’s no way of proving that.”
It’s just another keep dividing us into different groups so we can keep supporting our stupid idiotic thinking of screwed up logic.
Did you ever think the current Justice Department might go after real criminals now and then. Let’s hope it changes.
David C. Budda
Beaver Meadows