Tamaqua Area advances plan for pole building
Tamaqua Area School Board plans to advertise for bids for a pole building and concession stand at the stadium.
The district discussed the need for an additional pole building in the fall to store and maintain its vehicles, and one of the sites for the new building involved moving the concession stand.
The board finance committee approved moving forward with bids for the project, which was on the district’s capital projects list in the budget.
The full board will vote on soliciting bids at its meeting Tuesday.
The board will also approve new school calendars for the district as well as the Schuylkill Intermediate Unit 29.
Dr. Stephen Toth, assistant superintendent, said there wasn’t much change in the intermediate unit calendar, with in-service days on Aug. 19 and 20.
The district’s calendar for 2025-26 also has in-service days on Aug. 19 and 20, and the first day of school will be Aug. 21, which is similar to the calendar the district is running this year, he said.
“We got a lot of positive feedback from how the calendar started, and the breaks and holidays,” Toth said.
Other matters
Board committees also advanced the following items for approval at next week’s meeting:
• A new course, Spanish V (0.5 credit), for advanced students, who began taking Spanish I in eighth grade. The course will be developed as an independent study and offered beginning this fall.
• The tax report and tax exemptions, showing a positive variance of $1.01 million in tax collections in December, compared with the previous year, Business Manager Connie Ligenza said. The district also had 168 exemptions for per capita tax and 224 exemptions for assessed occupations.
• Bills totaling $1,642,144.87, and interim bills of $377,591.62.
• The first reading of policies on purchases subject to bids/quotations and purchases budgeted. Ligenza said these are updated every year, and the new quote limit is $12,900, and the bid threshold is $23,500.
• Agreements with the intermediate unit for funds that support the district’s special education students and the Section 619 early intervention funds.
• An affirmative vote resolution.
• A 25% increase per bill for tax collectors for 2026. The district currently pays $1.60 per bill, and tax collectors asked for $2.25 per bill, Ligenza said. The finance committee advanced payment of $2 a bill. The tax collectors will be locked in to that rate for four years.