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Schuylkill Twp. supervisors vote to retain Fayash as chairman

Charles Fayash was reappointed chairman of the Schuylkill Township supervisors at their annual reorganization meeting this week.

Supervisor Gary Feathers was appointed vice chairman as well as Emergency Management Coordinator, and Ann Miller was appointed township secretary at $19 per hour not to exceed 128 hours per month.

Dana Brubaker was appointed township treasurer at a salary of $6,919 per year. The treasurer bond will remain at $600,000, and the township auditors — Christine Verdier, Rich Magnani and Charles Hosler — will be paid $10 per hour.

Mark Buccieri was reappointed township roadmaster at $26 per hour. Tom Slane Jr. was appointed deputy Emergency Management Coordinator. Attorney Chris Reidlinger was reappointed as the township’s legal counsel at $125 per hour, and attorney Donald Karpowich was appointed solicitor for the township zoning hearing board at $125 per hour.

Light-Heigel Associates was reappointed as township zoning officer at $83 per hour. Comprehensive Inspection Agency was appointed as Uniform Construction Code code enforcement officer for building inspections.

James McCabe was appointed to a three-year term on the township’s zoning hearing board, and Edward Pollock to a three-gear term on the township’s planning commission.

Arro Engineering was appointed township engineer, William Brior as sewage enforcement officer, and Robert Fugate as assistant sewage enforcement officer.

Paul Delpais was appointed township tax collector, and Maryann Delpais as deputy tax collector. Berkheimer and Associates was appointed as collector of all enabling taxes and delinquent taxes.

The supervisors also voted to require two signatures on each check, from among Fayash, Feathers, Brubaker and Supervisor Mike Boyle. And Bonnie Habel was appointed to the township’s vacancy board.

Pennsylvania Municipal Services Co. was retained as the utility billing and collection service for the garbage fee, and keep the penalty at a 10% late fee for the first month, and 1% for each additional month.