PASD advertises athletic position
Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors approved a temporary athletic coordinator by unanimous vote during Tuesday night’s meeting. On Wednesday, the district posted a new job opening for an assistant high school principal/athletic coordinator.
David Smith, an athletic trainer in the district, took on the role Dec. 10, according to the board’s motion, which calls for him to be paid $300 per week.
The duties, according to the Dec. 6 job posting, include:
• ensuring transportation for events
• coordinating game officials and ensuring payment,
• promoting and regulating a display of good sportsmanship during events
• ensuring that student athletes are safe and district programs and policies are adhered to,
• coordinating with the high school principal regarding student requirements for eligibility,
• representing the district at required league, district, and potentially state-level meetings, and
• communicating regularly with coaches and other duties as assigned and required.
Kyle Porembo has been the district’s athletic director since being hired in 2019.
District officials have said they would not comment on his status publicly since the posting was made for a temporary athletic coordinator.
On Tuesday night, the board unanimously approved a separation and release agreement with someone identified as “Employee 104” on the agenda. Board members held no additional discussion as to whether or not that action was related to the athletic director position.
A Right To Know request for the separation agreement has been filed by the Times News.
The district posted a job opening Wednesday morning for an assistant high school principal/athletic coordinator. According to the posting, the job will be a 12-month, Act 93 position paying $92,000.
The successful candidate will be “responsible for assisting the high school principal in the operation of the building and aspects of the district intra-scholastic and intramural activities.”