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Monroe approves courthouse change orders

The Monroe County commissioners approved contract extension for Nelson Worldwide during their meeting on Thursday.

Nelson Worldwide acquired CGL, which was an architectural firm that the county contracted with for the courthouse renovation and expansion project, Commissioner John Christy, chairman of the commissioners, explained.

The extension changes the date of services from ending in November 2024 to going through January 2025 at a cost of $30,000. The work is for design and construction services.

Commissioner Sharon Laverdure asked if the $30,000 was just for one month — January.

Christy said it was for three months.

“They cut the rate in half,” said Christy, explaining that the company gave the county a 50% discount rate. “It was supposed to be $60,000. They gave it to us at $30,000.”

Robert Gress, the county’s chief clerk added, “That’s finished up. All the punch list stuff, you know all the meetings that we’ve been having.”

The supervisors also approved an adjustment to the budget report dated Jan. 2. The adjustment totaled $255,577. Christy explained that $120,753 was for Community Service Block Grants; $69,000 went to the Monroe County Correctional Facility; $60,719 for the sewage treatment fund out of the Snydersville facility; $4,705 was additional moneys to Family Promise of Monroe County, Catholic Social Services, and Pocono Area Transitional Housing; and $400 went to juvenile probation to pay a mileage for juvenile probation office.

For the Monroe County Control Center, the commissioners acknowledged an amendment to the 2021 9-1-1 Statewide Interconnectivity Funding Grant award PEMA 2021-189 extending it to Dec. 31, 2025.

“We do not own the 911 center, so we’re a pass through for that facility,” Christy explained.