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Slatington to test police candidates

Slatington Borough Council was updated by Acting Police Chief William Borst about a change in testing candidates for the police department.

“Slatington Police Department has terminated their contract with the (Lehigh County Chiefs of Police Association) Consortium, that would do testing for police officers and have a big group of officers looking for jobs,” Borst said at the meeting earlier this month. “Instead, we will be administering our own testing for candidates.

“It gives us a better chance at finding officers. It will be faster, also.”

There has been an ongoing shortage of available law enforcement candidates in Pennsylvania and across the nation.

In related matters, full-time officer Matthew Hutchins was sworn in by Magisterial District Judge Thomas Creighton, and council approved $1,000 a month for former Police Chief Greg Winokur for a two-month consulting agreement to assist Borst.

Borst, who will become chief after completing six months of probation, had asked council to put another full-time officer in the budget for 2025, which was included in the spending plan.

A special meeting to adopt the budget and an ordinance setting tax rates has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Dec. 30.

The new budget raises tax millage from 6.875 to 7.875. The fire tax was 0.625 mill in 2024 and increases to 0.725 mill in 2025. There are no increases in water or sewer rates. However, the garbage rate rises from $80 per quarter to $90 per quarter.

In other business at the recent meeting, council approved the appointment of Roy Hambrecht to the positions of borough manager, borough treasurer and borough secretary, effective Jan. 1, 2025, and the appointment of Karen Leach to the positions of assistant borough treasurer and assistant borough secretary, also effective Jan. 1.

Council also:

• Hired Acela Architects & Engineers as borough engineer after Lehigh Engineering did not renew its contract.

• Affirmed a one-year contract extension with trash hauler Republic Services.

• Approved the community yard sales for May 16, 17 and 18, 2025, and Sept. 12, 13 and 14, 2025. Yard sale permits will not be required during the events.

• Tabled a discussion about an ordinance for billing/collection for fire calls until January.

Magisterial District Judge Thomas Creighton swears in Matthew Hutchins as a new full-time officer with the Slatington Police Department during a recent borough council meeting. At right is Acting Police Chief William Borst. Hutchins, a 2024 graduate of the Allentown Police Academy, will be on field training for about 12 weeks. PATRICIA INGLES/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
New Slatington Police Department Officer Matthew Hutchins’ father, Joe, got to pin his sons’ badge for the first time after the younger Hutchins was sworn in during a recent borough council meeting. The new officer had been a part-time officer with the Walnutport Police Department. “I am so thrilled to be able to have this opportunity to serve the residents of Slatington,” Hutchins said. PATRICIA INGLES/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS