Published December 23. 2024 02:45PM
Nesquehoning has approved an addendum to a sewage treatment agreement with Rush Township regarding a longtime agreement for residents at Lake Hauto.
On Wednesday, borough council approved the addendum, which Councilwoman Mary Fox said hadn’t been updated since the early 1990s.
Following the meeting, Fox, as well as sewer plant operator Bob Pilla, discussed the addendum.
They said that the agreement as it was allowed Rush Township to set the sewage fee for residents on the western side of the lake, which is within Rush Township, while Nesquehoning had a different rate set for residents on the Carbon County side of the lake.
This now makes both fees the same.
Pilla said that while some of the lake is in Schuylkill, all of Lake Hauto residents’ sewage is treated at the Nesquehoning treatment plant, which is why this agreement had been in place.
Lake Hauto private development is unique in that it falls within two municipalities in two counties. Nesquehoning and Rush Township Sewer Authority have various agreements for servicing and maintaining lines throughout the development.