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Schuylkill Twp. accepts officer’s resignation

The Schuylkill Township Police Department is short an officer.

At their monthly meeting Wednesday, the township supervisors accepted the resignation of Officer Doug Litwhiler.

Litwhiler, who was a member of the township force for almost four years, was acting as officer-in-charge of the department since former chief Frank DiMarco resigned about a year ago. Litwhiler also serves as chief of police in East Union Township.

When the supervisors were debating about what to do with the department during 2025 budget deliberations, they reduced the number of hours the department would operate to 10 hours per week — in the hope they could find more money, perhaps from a grant, as the year goes on.

DiMarco came back as an officer after resigning as chief, and will be the one to work those 10 hours per week.

The supervisors did take action concerning the police department Wednesday night. They abolished the rule that an officer had to notify the supervisors 12 hours in advance of working. All they need do is give the supervisors notice prior to the start and finish of the shift.

The supervisors are also still looking for a part-time maintenance worker to help Mark Buccieri, the township road foreman.

“We had six applications for the position, but nobody returned the (township) secretary’s (Ann Miller’s) phone calls,” said Supervisor Charles Fayash.

Supervisor Gary Feathers submitted a Local Shares Account, or gaming grant, for a new township truck.

The supervisor also discussed rates rising with Alfred Benesch & Co. for engineering services and with Light-Heigel Associates for zoning services.

The supervisors held off action on the final township budget until their next meeting Jan. 6.