Published December 21. 2024 06:55AM
To the Editor:
First we saw the right wing wave of book banning in Lehighton schools wasting the school board’s time. Now, the Rabbit Hole of “free legal advice” is being accepted to waste more school board time.
Are all the members of the school board so gullible they fall right in line with the “free propaganda” advice of the notorious and discredited national Independence Law Center?
Please, school board, Google ILC and Moms for Liberty BEFORE you waste one second of time promoting extreme right wing propaganda and putting hall windows in student bathrooms to protect the students.
Isn’t it time to elect a board with some respect for diversity and dispense with making LADS the laughingstock of Carbon County schools. Time to dump out the Kool-Aid and do some actual educational leadership. Sad to see such naiveté in our County.
David Panckeri