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Carbon County not adding new full-time employees

As Carbon County prepares for 2025, Commissioners’ Chairman Mike Sofranko announced Thursday that the county has put a hiring freeze on any new full-time employees next year.

“There will be no hiring of any more full-time employees; however clarifying that, if someone would resign that is currently in a full-time position, the board of commissioners or any department head will evaluate that position and determine whether or not we need to fill that position at this time.

This comes after the board discussed employees, vacancies that have been on the record for a long time and wages overall.

Commissioner Rocky Ahner pointed out early in the meeting that Children and Youth currently has 23 vacancies and suggested that money is in the budget for these positions that hadn’t been filled.

Commissioner Wayne Nothstein said that the county is looking at possibly eliminating a few of those vacancies, however it also stems on the state since these positions are put in the budget that the state must approve.